
Support in the proposal preparation phase - Pitching SOILL and SOILL-Startup

SOILL aims to support the Soil Health Living Labs and Lighthouses in all their phases. This includes the proposal preparation phase.

SOILL seeds - Services SOILL offers - Pitching SOILL and SOILL-Startup

One of the primary services of SOILL is the provision of training courses and capacity building assistance for the Soil Health Living Labs and Lighthouses

SOILL seeds - Stakeholders' needs and SOILL-Startup services

Giulia Campodonico, ENoLL/SOILL-startup Coordinator, describes how SOILL will empower different stakoholders groups with a tailored offer.

SOILL seeds - The Project's assets - Pitching SOILL and SOILL-Startup

In this short video, SOILL-startup Coordinator briefly offers an overview of various support mechanisms, including a virtual platform for collaboration ...

SOILL seeds - Challenges to the support of the network of SHLLs and LHs

SOILL offers various support mechanisms, including a virtual platform for collaboration, a dedicated helpdesk, and targeted promotion activities.

How do you see SOILL contributing to the EU Mission Soil goals? - Pitching SOILL

Extract of an interview with Giulia Campodonico, ENoLL, SOILL-Startup coordinator, on SOILL and its contribution to the EU Mission Soil.

In what context will SOILL operate? - Pitching SOILL and SOILL-Startup

SOILL supports the network of Soil Health Living Labs and Lighthouses across Europe. It helps accelerate the transition towards healthy soils.